
What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Substance Addiction?

The different symptoms of drug abuse vary for every individual. However, there are four basic groups of drug abuse symptoms to which each type of drug can belong. These four groups of drug abuse symptoms are defined below.

EMOTIONS. Emotionally addictive drugs such as prescription opioids are characterized by intense physical cravings. When the body receives the neurotransmitter endorphin it will often feel pleasure or even euphoria. This feeling often lasts for a long period of time and makes it difficult to stop using the drug.

DRUG ABUSE PTSD. This is a psychological symptom that is often seen in individuals who suffer from drug abuse symptoms. Individuals who experience this symptom often report feelings of mental and social anguish as a result of their addiction. As the body begins to experience withdrawal symptoms it will be more susceptible to fatal overdose or accidental poisoning. Because of this the medical community often sees these individuals struggling with intense cravings during the recovery process.

CONTACT SKILL. Unfortunately, individuals who are suffering from substance abuse symptoms often do not seek help until they have begun to use harder drugs such as heroin. It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible for this symptom as it makes it difficult to overcome the physical symptoms of addiction.

SUGAR AND DRUG ABUSE PTSD. People who suffer from substance abuse symptoms often also struggle with depression or anxiety disorders. Those who suffer from one disorder often struggle with the other two as well. In drug and alcohol addiction substance abuse rehab, those who suffer from one of these disorders are more likely than others to have a relapse once they begin to return to drug abuse.

VIOLENCE PROBLEM. This is one of the most serious of all drug and alcohol addiction health issues. If you suspect that a loved one you love is suffering from this symptom, it is imperative to get treatment for the problem. The victim’s health will slowly deteriorate and he or she may end up dead due to complications caused by the use of illicit drugs or alcohol.

DIGNITY PROBLEM. The problem is especially serious when a loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol. While it may be hard to see a reason for the addiction on your own, if your loved one is exhibiting serious symptoms of this illness it is imperative to take action.

There are a number of treatment options available for those who suffer from substance addiction. These include inpatient detoxification programs, outpatient programs, residential treatment and community service. Many individuals receive professional treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction on their own. Others may need to receive professional assistance in order to receive safe and effective drug and alcohol detox or addiction treatment. No matter how you decide to address the issue of drug abuse or alcoholism, it is imperative that you seek medical assistance and receive professional counseling as soon as possible.

THE IRRITability of the Condition. The addiction to prescription drugs is not as widespread as the other types of drug addictions. This is an advantage because it means that you will have a better chance of being successful in treating your loved one’s addiction. You can still expect to encounter some serious withdrawal symptoms once your loved one has left the program, however.

ADDRESSED DRUG ABUSE Symptoms. There are many different types of prescription drug abuse, each of which presents unique symptoms. The most common type of substance abuse is prescription drug abuse. In this category, the most obvious symptoms are those produced by the abuse of prescription medications. Unfortunately, there are also many other symptoms that are related to substance abuse, including depression and anxiety. If your loved one is showing signs of depression or substance withdrawal symptoms, you should seriously consider seeking help.

FOURTH CAUSE OF DRUG ABUSE: Inner conflict or self-pity. People who abuse prescription drugs feel that they are worth nothing, even though they are addicted to pain relievers. They frequently try to escape from reality and live in a fantasy world. They often feel guilty, sad, and useless about their situation and their life in general. This cycle can lead to severe emotional problems and eventually to drug abuse.

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Treatment for drug abuse or substance addiction is based on several underlying factors, including a person’s personality, cognitive processes, coping skills, family dynamics, and physiological processes. Psychologists and counselors are often very adept at helping patients work through these issues and work towards recovery. There are also several support groups and organizations for people suffering from substance addictions. These groups can be very helpful in both helping the patient to overcome their drug addiction and also in providing a safe and comfortable place for the patient and his or her family members to receive counseling and to share experiences and thoughts.