
Skincare is the collection of practices which support healthy skin

Skincare is the collection of practices which support healthy skin, maintain its smooth look and relieve various skin conditions. It should be considered as an essential part of wellness for maintaining good physical and mental health. Skincare comprises of regular cleansing, repair of damaged cells, renewal of skin cells, and prevention of disorders like wrinkles, pigmentation, lines, age spots, rosacea, dark spots etc. Skincare includes a comprehensive range of products which are applied daily to provide skin with proper nourishment.

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Some common ingredients in an at-home skincare routine include glycolic acid, retinol (a form of Vitamin A), alpha hydroxyl acids or AHA, salicylic acid or aspirin, benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol (a form of Vitamin C), sulfur, flavones, hesperidin, resveratrol and triterpene. Some products such as those used in acne treatment contain natural herbs and other compounds to prevent inflammation. Respiratory and other health disorders may be aggravated by environmental irritants and exposure to sunlight. Skin care products which address these issues are available in the market.

The majority of the cosmetic and skin care products in the market are not approved by FDA and therefore it is very important to ensure that you buy the right product. You can go for a quality product which has been fda-approved under the name of ‘non-toxic’ or ‘organically-made’. Natural and organic skincare products are safer to use. Most importantly, skincare is something you must consider as an integral part of your lifestyle for overall health and wellbeing. Consult a dermatologist for further health advice.