When you do an insurance comparison of the many different types of auto insurance policies available in your state, it is important to understand the difference between collision and comprehensive coverage. The information on this page will help you to compare these two coverage types by using an online quote comparison service. You can learn […]
Best Real Estate Promotion Techniques
For many people, their idea of real estate promotion may include showing up at the local county courthouse and knocking on the door of a real estate agent. For others, it may involve passing out business cards with local contact information and making sales calls to homes for sale. If you’re not quite sure where […]
How much are Annie Sloan chalk paint colors actually worth? This question has been on everyone’s lips since the launch of the new line of celebrity-approved art work. Sloan chalk is now a permanent fixture in the average American artist’s home, as well as a hot commodity for anyone who wants to dabble. Can you […]
There are many myths and misconceptions about ninja throwing stars. Many people feel that it was developed in feudal Japan and has its roots from karate and the like which is not true at all. In ninja swordsmanship, the use of throwing stars is almost obsolete, though it is still used in certain circumstances such […]
One of the key characteristics of a successful servant leader is authenticity. The servant leader shows concern for the people under him or her, openly shares power with fellow team members, helps individuals achieve and perform at their highest level and puts others’ needs first. In short, servant leadership concepts stress enabling people to harness […]
Characteristics of Servant Leadership
Among the many general characteristics of a leader, qualities like delegation, negotiation, adaptation, confidence, honesty, motivation, creativity, and sense of humor are particularly valuable and necessary. The more behaviors that can be taught to a group of people the better. By nature, qualities like being realistic, negotiating, listening, understanding, creative, foresight, and building organizational community […]
For those companies who are thinking about hiring a corporate speaker then it will be beneficial to get the input of the people around you in order to find out what they think of their candidate. They can give you feedback on whether you have made the right choice and whether the corporate speaker you […]
Effective real estate website marketing is important to establishing that website of yours as a strong marketing tool and gaining the most benefit of an online presence. If you aren’t found high up in the top of the first page of Google search results, somebody else is receiving the calls you may be receiving. Every […]